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Teacher Resources

Links to the Curriculum Maps for all subjects and grade levels:




High Frequency Words

High Frequency or Sight Words are words that come up often and students need to know just by sight. They aren't necessarily words that can be decoded or sounded out and don't always follow regular spelling patterns.


Parents can access a list of High Frequency Words easily at and there are "Heidi Songs" on YouTube, one for each word, that you can show your child to assist in their learning. Here is the link for kindergarten


The Heidi Songs on YouTube, which are available to our teachers through our new language arts program, Benchmark Advanced, also have links to the letters and sounds. They are fun to sing and have gestures that go along with them!




Teacher log-in:






Students will need to activate their SSOs if they haven't already done so to log into Benchmark Universe, Google, MyMail, and other district online services.

Directions to create student accounts:



Additional support for active student accounts:


​​​​​​​engage ny:


My Math:


LDNE Mathematics Link:




Link to LDNE Science page:


FOSS science curriculum web page:


Link to new NGSS Science Standards:



First Steps Toward Transitioning to the NGSS:

SOCIAL STUDIESLink to LAUSD History/Social Studies page:


Elementary Social Studies:


Instructional Resources: